Who we are


Who, and who else, is EW Coaching & Consulting?

When I started this coaching and consulting work as a side gig, I was professionally using the name Erika Willis. That was my “brand” in my hometown—and as a mom. Now that my kids are grown and the market for my business services has expanded nationwide, I’ve expanded use of my birth name Erika Purington from my personal to my professional life.

The strength and wonder of my career has always been the people I’ve worked with. I have a great network. I’ve set up EW Coaching & Consulting to be able to include some other wonderful people, if your needs and scope require it. But rest assured that if you want to hire Erika, you’re getting Erika—not an intern. I’m not here to build an empire. I’m here to build great relationships doing work that I love.

Interests, background, and qualifications

I harness the power of a diverse range of methodologies, including change management, positive psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral science, plus my extensive background in leadership and organizational development. My credentials include certification as a Presence Based Coach and ACC status with the International Coaching Federation. I have undergraduate and Masters degrees from Montana State University–Billings. I am a certified DiSC Analyst and Facilitator.

I appreciate capacity. I thrive on the fact that there is a limitless amount of untapped potential, both in people and in ideas. Through coaching, radical accountability, and empathy, I want to help you create the personal and organizational road map to get from where you are to where you see yourself, your team and your organization.

Ready to take things to the next level?

Step 1

Fill out the inquiry form.

Start by filling out the inquiry form. Tell me about your goals.

Step 2

Let's get to know each other!

I'll dive into your needs during a complimentary discovery session to create a customized proposal just for you.

Step 3

Strengthen your organization.

Accept the proposal and I'll get to work helping your organization reach new heights and accomplish your aspirations.

EW Coaching & Consulting

Customer testimonials

“It’s not every day a person has an opportunity to work with a leader who has such a high level of self-awareness and integrity. Erika Willis has found a way to demonstrate this awareness through the teams she leads and empowers individuals to do the same thing for themselves. What she creates when leading with this approach is a group of engaged individuals who are mission focused and dedicated to a thriving culture”


“Erika is one of those dynamic individuals that you immediately want to learn from and collaborate with because you know immediately she is going to make positive impacts on your individual growth. My work with Erika was a valuable step in my development as a leader and improved my ability to not only communicate, coach and inspire but also to navigate office dynamics. Most of all, I gained an appreciation for presence and mindfulness which has not only positively impacted my time with my team in the office but also my time with my children at home.”


“Erika immediately bonds with organizational leadership, assessing the strengths of the organization and identifying the opportunities for growth. She is not only able to create an effective strategic plan, she plays a key role in the implementation of that plan. Her leadership and communication skills make her incredibly valuable to work with.”


“Erika’s depth of knowledge and passion for organizational health is incredible. The work she has done with my clients has exceeded my expectations and left them stronger because of the experience.  ”